Affiliation *
Your registration for the 33rd Workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design (AACD) includes:
Please answer the following questions so that we can apply the correct registration fee:
Are you an invited speaker? *
Are you a student? *
Because the welcome reception is on the day before the workshop (March 25), we would like to keep track of who will be joining us on the welcome reception, please indicate so below:
Will you attend the welcome reception + walking dinner on Tuesday 25 March? *
We offer AACD participants the opportunity to take an additional guest with them to the dinners. If you would like to make use of this opportunity, please purchase additional dinner tickets for your accompanying guest below:
Would you like to buy an additional welcome reception + walking dinner ticket (€ 60,00) on Tuesday 25 March? *
Would you like to buy an additional dinner (3 courses) + drinks ticket (€ 70,00) on Wednesday 26 March? *
Would you like to buy an additional dinner (4 courses) + drinks ticket (€ 135,00) on Thursday 27 March? *
Please indicate the dietary requirements for both you and your guest below:
Dietary requirements/allergies
Registration overview
Note: Only the organizer can cancel the chosen fee options when you have already paid.
Total: € 0.00
Some required fields have not been filled out ().
AACD 2025aacd2025@utwente.nl
AACD 2025AACD 20250.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z