Please fill in this form to complete your application for SHEP25.



We are pleased to inform you that your application to the Summer School Sustainable Housing from a European Perspective 2023 has been successful.


The Summer School takes place at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment and other locations at Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands 1-11 July 2025


Please finalize your payment within 30 days after you received this mail.

Upon payment, you are expected to participate the full two weeks.


The registration fee covers lunches and coffee breaks and a one-day field trip to Amsterdam. Please be aware that the fee does not cover other meals and accommodation, these will be at your own expense.


Your registration will only be completed, after the payment is fully received.


Cancellation of your participation is only possible due to unforeseeable circumstances, such as health, visa etc. beyond your control up to the 03 June 2025. Cancellations after the 03 June 2023 are not considered valid and will not allow for any refunds.


After completion of your online registration & payment you will receive an automatically generated email confirmation of your registration.

€ 1,350.00
€ 975.00

Total: € 0.00