About the event
For this special occasion, we’re opening our state-of-the-art labs to the industry to explore opportunities for cooperation:
Space Instrumentation Lab: advancing light-matter interaction science for astrophysics, earth observation, and satellite communication.
Delfi Space lab: creating an environment for end-to-end space systems engineering, driving heritage and hands-on experience with various phases of space missions.
Planetary Lab: Creating and testing environmental conditions to understand the origins of life in our universe and study environments on Mars, Venus, and icy moons.
Satellite Communications and Orbital Mechanics Lab: Advancing optical ground stations, providing regulated and strategic access to the sky, and testing orbital mechanics methods, sensor systems and docking.
Our labs play a vital role in advancing space innovation, enabling us to develop key technologies that help us drive sustainability, by looking outward in order to better understand origins of life on earth, by unlocking key applications on Earth like connectivity, security, and climate monitoring, and by optimising and enabling space missions themselves for a more sustainable industry.
Lab Opening Event
Lab Opening Eventsecr-spe-lr@tudelft.nl
Lab Opening Eventsecr-spe-lr@tudelft.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/163020
Lab Opening EventLab Opening Event0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced