WHO Designation Ceremony
March 6th 16.00h
The DDEC is the fruit of almost two decades of research in digital ethics and responsible innovation and is one of the frontrunners when it comes to the operationalization of ethical values into design requirements that can be used by engineers, decision- and policy makers and regulators in their dealings with digital technologies. Its researchers and their Delft colleagues have contributed to mainstreaming the design approach in the ethics of (digital) technology. In recent times this design turn has found an important application in the Ethics of AI in healthcare, not the least in reports for the WHO, such as ‘ethics and governance of AI for health’.
The DDEC is perfectly positioned to further collaborate with the WHO on questions regarding digital ethics in healthcare, bringing both relevant research and a strong interdisciplinary network. It will actively seek collaboration with TUDELFT groups that can add value to the work of the WHO. The DDEC participates in the Responsible AI in Healthcare lab with the Erasmus Medical Centre Datahub and the SAS Institute. It is also actively involved in the Convergence Centre on Responsible AI in Healthcare, which connects researchers from all disciplines at TU Delft, Erasmus University, and the Erasmus Medical Centre on the topic. Stefan Buijsman, managing director of the DDEC, leads the Convergence Centre together with the other scientific directors: Michel van Genderen of the ErasmusMC and Evert Stamhuis of the Erasmus University.
We hope to meet you there and look forward to collaborating with you around Responsible AI for healthcare. Kind regards, on behalf of, Jeroen van den Hoven (Scientific Director) Stefan Buijsman (Managing Director) Delft Digital Ethics Centre
Molengraaffsingel 29 Delft, Auditorium
WHO Designation Ceremony

WHO Designation Ceremonyw.m.dokkum@tudelft.nl
WHO Designation Ceremonyw.m.dokkum@tudelft.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/163248
WHO Designation CeremonyWHO Designation Ceremony0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced