Analogy 2024
July 23 2024
UvA Roeterseiland Campus
About the event
Analogy 2024, the Fifth International Conference on Analogy will be held on July 23 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands at the University of Amsterdam. The first and second analogy conferences were held in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1998 and 2009, the third in Dijon, France in 2013, and the fourth in Paris, France in 2017.
Analogy 2024 is organized to facilitate easy attendance for people attending the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society - CogSci - scheduled to take place in Rotterdam from 24-27 July 2024.
This short one-day analogy conference will be organized around a few symposia posing some central questions in the analogy research, thus facilitating productive discussion around specific questions that will constitute the topics of the symposia. A poster session will also be included.
This format means that there will not be “traditional” research paper talks and no proceedings. An online book of abstracts will be published on this website.
The official language of the conference is English.
Featured speakers
Roeterseiland Campus Building M
Plantage Muidergracht 12
1018 TV Amsterdam
Analogy 2024

Analogy 2024c.e.stevenson@uva.nl
Analogy 2024Analogy 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced