Young IFFI Event "Food for thought"
19 September 2024, Het Huis Utrecht

This network meeting is exclusive to young professionals  and HR managers employed by the IFFI member companies as well as BSc and MSc graduates from food related (HBO/university) studies.


Young IFFI Network is a network organisation for young professionals (under 30) in the food ingredients industry. 
More information to be found on the website.

Privacy Statement
See "Read more...", for the Privacy Statement.

By registering for this event, you (the participant) agree to have your personal data processed for registration purposes and to send you information in connection with the event. 
Your data will be deleted 2 months after the meeting if you could not or did not want to attend. If you were there, we would like to keep your data for a little longer, so that we can also invite you to future meetings. Please let us know if you don't want that.
All personal data will only be used in accordance with current EU data protection law (GDPR).
A photographer will be present during the conference; If you do not want to be visible in the photo, please let us know.
If you do not submit the information listed as “required,” we will not be able to complete your registration.