IPKM Macau programme 2024

Dear IPKM Students,


The 2024 IP Programme in Macau will take place between 28 October and 6 November 2024.

The regular fees for this programmes are US$ 630, exclusive of accommodation. Through the IPKM programme it is possible to participate at a greatly reduced rate of €380,-- for the full period.

This means you cover accommodation in the Hotel Royal, Macau (9 nights) and a hotel in Hong Kong (1 night), priced approx. US$ 700,- per head in shared double room and other local costs yourself.

There are ten seats available only, on a first-come first-served basis. Once all 10 places are taken, you will be placed on stand-by.


For IPKM students of the class of 2024, participation in the IP Seminar and Update (4-6 November 2024) is available for €200,--

You are also responsible for own flight, accommodation and local costs. Shared room accommodation would then be approx. US$ 250,- per head.


If you wish to register, please fill in the information below. Please note that the information you provide must be suitable for booking airplane tickets, so you should copy the information in your passport verbatim. 

Please include your family name and first names as stated on the passport:

Terms and conditions


Places in the IP School are limited (numerus fixus) to 10 on a first come-first served basis. UM IPKM students who wish to obtain 3 ECTS credits should submit their certificate of attendance for verification to Prof. A. Kamperman Sanders;

If you register for the IP Seminar and Update only, there is no numerus fixus;

Students are responsible for their own health and travel insurance;

Neither IEEM nor the UM are responsible for any damage or liability arising out of participation in the programme; 

Registration will be conducted centrally by the IPKM team against payment of EUR 380,- covering fees. In addition you should cover the cost for your flight to Hong Kong, accommodation costs (directly to the hotel) and your own local costs;

Payment must be made to IPKM. Joël van Gennip will notify you on the full amount and payment details.