Conservation Education evaluation course
Tutors: Andrew Moss, Lead Conservation Scientist, Chester Zoo; Greg Counsell, Conservation Scientist, Chester Zoo; Liz Webb, Conservation Training Academy Manager, Chester Zoo; Lucy Settle, Chester Zoo
Aimed at: Zoo professionals interested in developing social research skills
Language taught in: English
Taught hours: 12 hours
Extra hours for study etc: 2 hours
Cost: EAZA/BIAZA members: €175 Non-members: €220
Minimum group size: 6
Dates: 7 May 2021 & 28 May 2021
Delivery Method: Live virtual course
Course Aim(s):
This two day course aims to equip people with knowledge and skills to evaluate conservation education in line with the EAZA Conservation Education Standards (particularly standards 17-19) and the WAZA Conservation Education Strategy. This is an introductory course introducing the key concepts and importance of evaluation in conservation education, how to design evaluation projects and interpret and apply the results.
Additional information:
The course will be hosted via Zoom, so participants will need a device with a reliable internet connection and preferably a camera. Participants should also have access to Microsoft Excel or related data analysis software.
Participants are expected to attend both days of this two day course. The interim period is intended to allow participants time to engage in self-reflection and consider how to integrate their learning into their daily practice.
Come prepared with examples of either previous projects or future plans for conservation education programmes.
You will receive a confirmation message with invoicing information after you successfully submit your application.
If you have any questions, or problems submitting an application, please contact
Conservation Education Evaluation
Conservation Education
Conservation Education Evaluationmirko.marseille@eaza.net
Conservation Education EvaluationConservation Education Evaluation0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced