21 May 2021
Participants can enter and explore virtual event platform
Opening and welcome by Rector Prof. Dr. Rianne Letschert followed by introduction and panel discussion with
Dr Pascal Frank, Leuphana University, Institute of Environmental and Sustainability Communication
Dr Laurence Guérin, The Hague University of Applied Science, Centre of Expertise Global and Inclusive Learning
Dr Lutz Krebs, Maastricht University, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance
Short networking break
Parallel strands
I Workshop "Online Improvisation Theatre for Empathy and Inclusion" by Fabian Brueggemann
II World Café (two rounds of small group discussion on the international classroom in the next normal, student agency and co-creation, teacher training for GCEd competencies, ethics and social responsibility, creative problem-solving in social and sustainable entrepreneurship, inner transformation and personal approaches to GCEd, (recognition of) extracurricular GCEd activities or digital citizenship)
III Open Space
Networking break
Parallel strands continue
Keynote by Dr. William Gaudelli, dean of the College of Education at Lehigh University and author of Global Citizenship Education: Everyday Transcendence (Routledge).
Wrap-up and close followed by networking
Third UM Global Citizenship Education Symposium
Third UM Global Citizenship Education Symposium
Third UM Global Citizenship Education Symposium h.fonteijn@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Third UM Global Citizenship Education Symposium Third UM Global Citizenship Education Symposium 0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityMinderbroedersberg 4-6 6211 LK Maastricht Netherlands