Only live online
Exploring the World of Plants
TUE 21 AND 28 SEP, AND 5 AND 12 OCT – 19:30 TO 21:30
Roy Erkens, PhD
Associate Professor Evolutionary Biology and Plant Evolutionary Biology, UM
We are surrounded by many shades of green, due to all the plant life that thrives on earth. Yet most people have hardly any knowledge of these sessile organisms that live such different lives from us. This is strange, since plants enable us to breathe and we use them for food, building material, medicine, fuel, and clothing, for example. Increasing evidence also shows that plants are crucial for a healthy life. A better understanding of the plant world will not only increase our appreciation of plants but will also help us to understand the plants in our own environment. By the end of these series, you will finally comprehend the enormous dependency of humans on the services rendered to us by these silent co-inhabitants of planet Earth.
The individual lectures
1. Living a Double Life while Greening the Earth – Plant (R)Evolution (21 Sep)
2. Building the Tallest and Oldest Organisms Ever Alive – Plant Growth (28 Sep)
3. Travelling through Space and Time for Partners – Plant Reproduction (5 Oct)
4. Staying Alive without Running Away – Plant Physiology (12 Oct)
Cost of the whole series
UM students for free
UM employees and students from other schools €10
Others €20
Registration for attending online
21 September 2021
1. Living a Double Life while Greening the Earth – Plant (R)Evolution
28 September 2021
2. Building the Tallest and Oldest Organisms Ever Alive – Plant Growth
05 October 2021
3. Travelling through Space and Time for Partners – Plant Reproduction
12 October 2021
4. Staying Alive without Running Away – Plant Physiology
Online Lecture Series: Exploring the World of Plants
Studium Generale Maastricht
Studium Generale Maastricht Universitysg-lectures@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Online Lecture Series: Exploring the World of PlantsOnline Lecture Series: Exploring the World of Plants0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Student Service Centre Maastricht University, Karl Dittrich lecture hallStudent Service Centre Maastricht University, Karl Dittrich lecture hallBonnefantenstraat 2 6211 KL Maastricht Netherlands