7th MHeNs Translational Neuroscience Online Lecture | 2021
James A. Waltz
PhD, Associate Professor, Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Title lecture:
Mechanisms of Motivational Deficits Along the Psychosis Spectrum
Monday 18 October 2021|
Lecture: 16:00 hrs. | Online
Register to participate
7th MHeNs Lecture: James Waltz
Registration website for 7th MHeNs Lecture: James Waltz7th MHeNs Lecture: James Waltzevents-finance@maastrichtuniversity.nl
7th MHeNs Lecture: James Waltzevents-finance@maastrichtuniversity.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/127337
7th MHeNs Lecture: James Waltz7th MHeNs Lecture: James Waltz0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityMinderbroedersberg 4-6 6211 LK Maastricht Netherlands