**Registration is closed**
On 23 November 2021, the annual CAPHRI Research Day will take place. As in previous years we will offer a session organised by and for our PhD candidates.
This year a pitch session is organized to give CAPHRI PhDs the opportunity to present their work to the CAPHRI community. After a careful pre-selection, 8 CAPHRI PhD candidates will be selected to pitch their work at the CAPHRI Research Day and have a chance to win 500€ to spend on their own professional development.
So…..take your chance and submit your 3 minutes research pitch!
Why do we invite you to submit your research pitch?
Clearly explaining what your research is about is an increasingly important skill for scientists. For example, it helps you to tell your story at a conference and apply for grants. Moreover, nowadays many funders ask that you bring the results of your research to the attention of the public. In addition, positive media attention can give your career as a researcher a nice boost. The CAPHRI Research Day will offer you a safe and inspiring environment to practice your pitch skills and to obtain tips and feedback from (experienced) researchers. Last but not least, 2 prizes will be awarded: the jury and the audience award!
Pre-selection: who can submit?
All CAPHRI PhD candidates are invited to submit a pre-recorded 3-minute video pitch of their research project. This work can either consist of research results, but it can also consist of work in progress, or even a research proposal.
The rules are simple: you have three minutes to give a talk on your research. No PowerPoint slides are allowed. More information about the rules can be found here.
Who will pitch during the CAPHRI Research Day?
The selection is done by your fellow PhDs from the CAPHRI PhD Panel PhD Panel and 6 CAPHRI postdocs/assistant professors. The pitches will be judged according to the golden rules of the 3 C’s: content, clarity and charisma. Everyone who submitted a pitch will receive feedback. 8 pitches (at least one pitch per Research Line) will be selected to be presented during the CAPHRI Research Day. See the guidelines for more information on the selection procedure and the judging criteria. PhD candidates who are based abroad and therefore not able to join the Research Day, are allowed to present their pitch via a live stream.
The selection of the winner of the CAPHRI PhD pitch competition during the CAPHRI Research Day is down to a six-person expert jury. The winner will receive 500€ to spend on their own development (the amount is paid to the budget of the research group). In addition to the jury award, there will be an audience award, which will be voted on by the audience present during the Research Day. The winner will receive a bronze award and a goodie bag. Both the winning pitches will be published through various communication channels.
Our PhD candidates in the spotlight
Also if your pitch is not selected for the CAPHRI Research Day, we would like to give you the opportunity to showcase your PhD research to colleagues and a broader audience. The programme booklet of the CAPHRI Research Day will contain links to all pitches. Besides, we will pay attention to all submitted pitches on this website, in our newsletter and via our social media channels (after obtaining consent).
An overview of important dates:
• Submission deadline pre-selection: Sunday 31 October 2021
• On 15 November latest you will receive feedback on your pitch and be notified whether your pitch is selected for the CAPHRI Research Day and.
• On 23 November the Annual CAPHRI Research Day will take place at Chateau St Gerlach.
Pitch your PhD
Registration website for Pitch your PhDPitch your PhDcaphri-phdreps@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Pitch your PhDcaphri-phdreps@maastrichtuniversity.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/128077
Pitch your PhDPitch your PhD0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityMinderbroedersberg 4-6 6211 LK Maastricht Netherlands