Dear DCSE representatives,
Please find below the programme for the DCSE representatives lunch on 18 November from 12.30 – 14.00 hrs. If you haven’t responded to the meeting request yet, please let us know whether you will join us for lunch.
- Opening by the dean of EEMCS: Lucas van Vliet
- A short introduction round
- A presentation by Kees Vuik about the DHPC and the DCSE plans for 2022-2026
We are looking forward to meeting you on 18 November.
Kind regards,
Kees Vuik
Suzan Derks
DCSE Representatives Lunch 2021
Registratiewebsite voor DCSE Representatives Lunch 2021Marja de Graaf
Marja de Graaf dcse@tudelft.nl
DCSE Representatives Lunch 2021 DCSE Representatives Lunch 2021 0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Delft University of Technology, Faculty EEMCSDelft University of Technology, Faculty EEMCSMekelweg 4, Snijders Room LB.01.010 2628 CD Delft Nederland