Loss & mourning (series of four sessions)

  • Did you lose one of your loved ones, due to an unfortunate situation more than 6 months ago? 
  • Do you want to start support in a small group to start or continue your grieving process?


This group is meant for students who are trying to find ways to cope with their loss.

If your loved one is still alive at the moment, but will most likely pass away in the (near) future or if you are afraid a loved one will die, this training is not for you. Please book a QPR to schedule an individual appointment instead.


Please note that this training is at The InnBetween, Capucijnenstraat 122, Maastricht and set up in 4 sessions of 2 hours each.
Watch this video to find your way to the Innbetween. We noticed that it can be a little bit difficult to find it.
You can also have a look at the Facebook page of the InnBetween. 


At the end of this training course, you will be able to...

  • Explore and express your feelings and thoughts about your loss.
  • Explore the future; how to live life without the person(s) you lost.         
  • Know what can help and support your loss.


Testimonials groups Loss and mourning:

Even though I was afraid to come here at the beginning, I am very glad I did. You meet understanding people and a good and nice surrounding to deal with your loss and your problems.”

“It is really good to take the opportunity and especially take the time to work it out and share similar experiences with others.”

“It is comforting to hear other stories and share your own.”


Cancellation arrangement
If you are not able to attend the first session, please be aware that you cannot register for this training!
In case you cannot attend the second, third or last session please send an email 24 hours before the start to: SSC-PPD-Groepsaanbod@maastrichtuniversity.nl


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