Stop procrastinating

  • Has it ever happened to you that you can’t force yourself to start an important activity?
  • Can’t you resist temptations that draw you away from work?
  • How often are you doing things at the last minute?


If you ever had trouble persuading yourself to do the things you should do or would like to do, you have experienced procrastination. During this one-hour hands-on training, we will provide you with tools that will allow you to train your willpower and to do things more efficient. It will help you to start reducing the amount of procrastination.


At the end of this workshop, you will be able to...

  • explain what procrastination is.
  • identify your own procrastination tendencies.
  • putting off procrastinating.


Opinions of other students on Stop procrastinating:


  • “I liked the time given to reflect on your own practices, ie make personal lists.”
  • “Practical tips to implement, different types of advice, the willingness of trainer to answer questions.”
  • “Some of the techniques presented where very interesting and I will apply them for future efforts to ameliorate procrastination”
  • “I really liked the way things were explained. I also liked the advice and tips that were given from the host and my peers. I have learned a lot of things I did not recognize in myself.”



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