Vacancy search
- Where can I find vacancies that are relevant to me?
- How do I use vacancy sites efficiently?
- How do I use keywords to find vacancies?
Are you looking to find a first job? Or do you want to do an internship or volunteer to develop professional competencies and explore the labour market?
In this training, you find out how to approach your online search for opportunities. You learn about search techniques, from identifying interesting vacancy platforms to using the right search terms to find the chance of your dreams.
At the end of this workshop, you will be able to...
- know how to find relevant keywords
- identify the essential elements of a vacancy and know how to interpret these
- find sources of potential job opportunities
Opinions of other students on Vacancy search:
- “I liked the breakout rooms, where we were assigned to be each other's coach. It was really helpful.”
- “The trainer tried to make it very interactive and was trying to accustom our needs and answer questions.”
- “Discovering new ways and tools to find jobs/ internships, such as GoinGlobal or using keywords to look for a job.”
In the meantime...
You can have a look at the Online Career Modules first. These are free and short courses on different topics. The following modules are aligned with this workshop:
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Vacancy search
Vacancy searchsecretarystudentdesk@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Vacancy searchVacancy search0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityMinderbroedersberg 4-6 6211 LK Maastricht Netherlands