Registration for

UTQ session: Assessing and guiding a thesis/essay - ONLINE

Part 1: Info and journal club
Friday 14/01/2022 10.00-11.00 & Monday 17/01/2022 10.00-11.00

Part 2.1: UTQ Lecture: Practical information about bachelor and master thesis

Friday 21/01/2022 13.00-14.00 & Monday 24/1 13.00-14.00

Part 2.2: UTQ Lecture: What have students learned during the skills courses?

Friday 14/01/2022 12.00-13.00 & Tuesday 25/01/2022 11.00-12.00

Part 3: Workshop

  • Friday 21/01/2022 15.00-17.00 English & Dutch online
  • Tuesday 25/01/2022 14.00-16.00 English online 2 sessions
  • Wednesday 26/01/2022 10.00-12.00 Dutch on campus
  • Donderdag 27/01/2022 10.00h12.00 Dutch on campus
  • Monday 31/01/2022 10.00-12.00 English online
  • Monday 31/01/2022 13.00-15.00 Dutch online

Activity full or can’t make the date? Then sign up for the waiting list and we’ll let you know as soon as the session is scheduled again.

Thank you for your registration. 

For part 1 and part 3 you are asked to complete preparatory tasks which you will receive soon via e-mail. 

The online sessions will be via Zoom for which you will receive the link a few days before each session.