Digital Methods Summer School

This is the registration form for the 2022 Digital Methods Summer School. Please fill in your personal details and choose form of payment. Personal details provided here will be used for the purposes of enrolment and communication only. For further questions, please contact the organizers at

All fields marked with an * are mandatory. 

Personal data

Please provide first and last names as they appear on your passport. If you have one or more middle names, please insert them after your first name. 

Contact information



Registration and tuition fees

By filling out this form you are registering for the Digital Methods Summer School. 

The fee for the Digital Methods Summer School 2022 is EUR 895, and upon completion all participants receive certificates (and 6 ECTS). To complete the Summer School successfully all participants must co-present the final presentation and co-author the final project report, evidenced by the presentation slides as well as the final report itself.

Students at the University of Amsterdam do not pay fees. Staff in New Media & Digital Culture, Media Studies, also do not pay fees. Members of Dutch Research Schools and University of Amsterdam alumni pay 1/2 tuition. There are no other fee reductions or waivers.

Invoice address

Please provide the address of the paying party

Extra invoice detalis (optional)

€ 895.00

Total: € 895.00