Workshops for FHML Marble+ students only! (2023)


03/05/23 13.30 - 16.30 Workshop Discover your competences More info Register
04/05/23 09.30 - 12.30 Workshop Discover your competences More info Register
12/05/23 09.30 - 12.30 Workshop Personal Development plan More info Register
12/05/23 13.30 - 16.30 Workshop Personal Development plan More info Register
16/05/23 13.30 - 16.30 Workshop Personal Development plan More info Register
17/05/23 09.30 - 12.30 Workshop Personal Development plan More info Register
17/05/23 13.30 - 16.30 Workshop Personal Development plan More info Register
25/05/23 09.30 - 12.30 Workshop Personal Development plan More info Register
25/05/23 13.30 - 16.30 Workshop Personal Development plan More info Register
14/06/23 09.30 - 12.30 Workshop Presentation skills More info Register
14/06/23 13.30 - 16.30 Workshop Presentation skills More info Register
28/06/23 13.30 - 16.30 Workshop Presentation skills More info Register


Workshop 'Discover your competences' 
(for FHML Marble+ students only!)

-How do I get insight into what I want and can do?
-How do I distinguish myself from others? In what way do I make a difference?
-Where do I start if I want to know what to do after my study?
-What is my motivation in my work?

​Do you recognise these questions? Or do you have more questions regarding this topic?
Then this is the workshop for you!

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to...

-Identify your competencies, needs and wishes for a future job or career;
-Reflect on its significance when making career and study choices;
-Determine a starting point for entering the labour market; and
-Present yourself with your professional qualities to others in a short conversation and a written personal summary.

For this workshop, you need to do a homework assignment. You will receive this assignment in the confirmation email as soon as you have registered for the workshop.


Workshop 'Personal Development Plan' 
(for FHML Marble+ students only!)

A good personal development plan is an essential starting point for your professional development and developing the competences you selected. It will be an important document that you will use during the full honours programme. In this workshop you will discuss your personal development plan with the trainer and a small group of peers. We will take closer look at the competences you chose, the goals you hope to achieve and how to effectively formulate SMARTER goals.

Homework instruction;
After completing the workshop “Discover your competences” and the online tests (Big Five and Belbin teamroles), you will draw up your personal development plan using the FHML Marble course book. You will discuss this personal development in the workshop “Personal Development Plan”.
Make sure you come prepared to this workshop.
Complete the pages “Personal development plan” in your course book prior to the workshop!


Workshop 'Presentation skills' 
(for FHML Marble+ students only!)

  • How can I clearly present my point of view, and convince and inspire my audience?
  • How can I make my PowerPoint-presentation look best?​ 
  • How can I prepare myself to be more confident during a presentation and be less tense?

Do you want to present convincingly and in a more relaxed way?
Whether you need to give a sales pitch, present a project plan or research results - this workshop is built around your own  presentations!
You practice, receive feedback and learn what you can improve.

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:​

  • Identify and analyze the key elements of a good presentation and  create a clear and convincing storyline
  • Experiment with basic presentation technique to communicate effectively
  • Recall and apply tips and tools to feel more relaxed when giving presentations

For this workshop, you need to do a homework assignment. You will receive this assignment in the confirmation email as soon as you have registered for the workshop.