The title of presentations may be subject to change
08 June 2022
Keynote Speakers
Marcelien Bos-de Koning (Top Sector Water & Maritime)
Egbert van der Wal (PoR)
dr. Dirk Koppenol (SmartPort)
Announcement of a new collaborations between TU Delft and PoR
Coffee break
Session 1: Nautical traffic, capacity and safety
prof. dr. M. van Koningsveld (TU Delft): Analyzing capacity and performance of water transport networks under changing conditions
Roelof Weekhout (RWS): Climate impacts on the transport capacity on the Dutch Inland Waterway Network
Khalid Tachi (EICB): Energy transition on the Rhine-Alpine corridor
Yvonne Koldenhof (MARIN): Safety analyses of inland and maritime shipping (AIS analyses)
Lunch (meet the researchers)
Session 2: Sediment management and accessibility
dr. Alex Kirichek (TU Delft): Port accessibility and dredging
Edwin Hupkes (PoR): PRISMA 2030: towards sustainable maintenance dredging
Nino Ohle (HPA): The Nautical Depth project of the Port of Hamburg – An overview of the research & development activities
Marcel van den Heuvel (Van Oord): Soft soils in dredging; the Daidalus & Icarus bandwidth
Session 3: Port and waterway infrastructure
prof. dr. Ken Gavin (TU Delft): Collaborative research on hidden safety of pile foundations
dr. Alfred Roubos (PoR): Trends in quay-wall engineering in the Port of Rotterdam
Andrés Figuero (UD Coruña): Port operability and AI-based decission-making tools: moored ship motions combined with maritime climate forecast
Arne van der Hout (Deltares): Propeller jet research – Optimizing design guidelines for bottom protection at quay walls
Networking and drinks
Conference Dinner at Museum Prinsenhof (Delft)
09 June 2022
Session 4: Sustainability in ports and waterways
prof. dr. Stefan Aarninkhof (TU Delft): Nature based solutions and new engineering philosophies
prof. dr. Tjeerd Bouma (NIOZ): Opportunities for reef development
dr. Chris Doropoulos (CSIRO): Coral research and upscaling of restoration
Remment ter Hofstede (Van Oord/TU Delft): The drive for nature based solutions from a contractors perspective
Coffee break
Session 5: Digitalization in ports and waterways
dr. Fedor Baart (Deltares/ TU Delft): The research field: Data-driven ports and waterways research
prof. dr. Rudy Negenborn (TU Delft): Smart Shipping: Perspectives & Challenges
Chris Karman (DigiShape): DigiShape: precompetitive datascience innovation in the watersector – some examples
dr. Remko de Lange (Microsoft): Planetary Computer and its usage for Environmental Digital Twins
Delft city tour - The Boat tour starts at 14:15 near Koornmarkt 113 (Delft)
10 June 2022
Inauguration of prof. dr. Mark van Koningsveld
Ports & Waterways: water, sediment and infrastructure conference
Registration website for Ports & Waterways: water, sediment and infrastructure conferencePorts & Waterways: water, sediment and infrastructure conference
Ports & Waterways: water, sediment and infrastructure conference info@aanmelder.nl
Ports & Waterways: water, sediment and infrastructure conference Ports & Waterways: water, sediment and infrastructure conference 0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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