Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University Medical Center Groningen, it is my pleasure to invite you to join our first UMCG International Lustrum Symposium on Proton Therapy, to be held at DOT in Groningen, the Netherlands on April 12-14, 2023. The symposium marks the fifth anniversary of the Groningen Proton Therapy Center.
Five years ago, we opened the doors of the first model-based proton therapy centre worldwide. Since then, we treated over 1,600 patients with proton therapy. To celebrate this milestone, we organise this International Symposium.
The scientific programme will consist of lectures from top international experts and members of our team. During the symposium we will present the first results of proton therapy at the UMC Groningen Proton Therapy Center, as well as look into the future exploring ongoing cutting edge research and sharing visions to further advance the proton field.
After closure of the first day of the symposium, we hope to bring some festivity by organising network drinks to celebrate our fifth anniversary. Furthermore, in parallel we would like to offer two tours at the UMC Groningen Proton Therapy Center and PARTREC facility as well.
In addition to the Symposium, we will organise 3 pre-meeting workshops at the UMCG on April 12, 2023. The topics of the workshops will be:
  • The model-based approach
  • Artificial Intelligence in Radiotherapy
  • How to become and remain a future proof proton center
Thank you and we look forward in seeing you in Groningen!
Professor Hans Langendijk
Chair of the department of Radiation Oncology

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