Keynote speakers
We are pleased to announce the four keynote speakers for the EDEG 2023 conference, and look forward to seeing their presentations!
Hans Brug
Who? |
Director-General of the RIVM: Dutch National institute for Public Health and the Enviroment. |
What about? |
The National public health institute’s perspective on Type II Diabetes in the Netherlands: Burden of disease, determinants, prevention efforts, policy and politics |
More information | J. (Hans) Brug | RIVM |
Biography |
Johannes (‘Hans’) Brug is Director General of the RIVM, the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands. RIVM works to prevent and control outbreaks of infectious diseases. RIVM promotes public health and consumer safety, and helps to protect the quality of the environment. RIVM collects and collates knowledge and information from various sources, both national and international. RIVM applies this knowledge, and places it at the disposal of policy-makers, researchers, regulatory authorities and the general public. Each year, RIVM produces numerous reports on all aspects of public health, nutrition and diet, health care, disaster management, nature and the environment. Before his present position, he was dean of the faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, dean and member of the executive board of the VU University Medical center in Amsterdam, Director of the EMGO Institute for Health & Care Research, and head of department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Brug held chairs in Nutrition Education at Maastricht University, Determinants of Population Health at the Erasmus University medical Center in Rotterdam, in Epidemiology at the VU University medical Center (now part of Amsterdam University Medical Centers) and he was honorary professor at the School of Nutrition and Exercise Sciences of Deakin University, Melbourne Australia. At present and next to his main position as DG RIVM, he is professor of Health Behavior at the University of Amsterdam.Earlier in his career he worked for the Dutch TNO Nutrition Institute, the Dutch Cancer Society, and the School of Social Sciences of the Netherlands Open University (as dean of education). His research has mainly been in health behavior, prevention and public health. He has been a member of different grant panels of research funds, was a past president and fellow of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, led and coordinated a number of international, mainly European Commission-funded research programs, and was a member of the Dutch Health Council and its presidium committee, and was chair of its permanent committee on nutrition. Brug is the first editor of the Dutch handbook on health education and behavior change. Please see Johannes ('Hans') Brug | LinkedIn for more personal information and Johannes Brug - Google Scholar for a list of publications and citations. |
Carine de Beaufort
Who? |
Pediatric diabetologist-endocrinologist at DECCP/Clinique Pediatrique de Luxembourg-CHL and Guest Professor at Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine, Université of Luxembourg, Esch-Belval Luxembourg |
What about? |
Diabetes: quo vadis? |
More information |
dr. Carine de Beaufort, MD | Centre Hospitalier de Luxemburg |
Biography |
Starting her medical career with a PhD on pediatric diabetes and pump treatment in newly diagnosed children (1986, prof. Dr. G.J. Bruining, Rotterdam), this field has remained the focus of her clinical and research interest. When she moved from the Netherlands to Luxembourg, she created the multidisciplinary team (DECCP) for the care of children and adolescents with diabetes in Luxembourg, a dynamic international team and now recognized as SWEET Centre of Reference for Pediatric Diabetes as well as full member of the ERN-ENDO (European Reference Network) for rare diabetes. Key research interests are epidemiology, new diabetes technology and pathogenesis of diabetes as well as NCDs in the pediatric population. She has served as Secretary General and President of the International Society for Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Diabetes (ISPAD), the unique scientific society with a focus on all forms of diabetes in these age groups. Through her work as ISPAD officer, she has been able to meet with - and been motivated by - many colleagues and persons with diabetes (PwD) around the globe. She is the Luxembourg delegate at the Pediatric Committee at the European Medicine Agency. |
Sadaf Farooqi
Who? |
MD, Endocrinologist and principal investigator at Cambridge University, MRC institue of metabolic science. |
What about? |
Genetics of Obesity and Thinness |
More information | |
Biography | Sadaf Farooqi is a Wellcome Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Metabolism and Medicine at the University of Cambridge, UK. She is an internationally leading Clinician Scientist who has made seminal contributions to understanding the genetic and physiological mechanisms that underlie obesity and its complications. The work of Sadaf Farooqi and her colleagues has fundamentally altered the understanding of how body weight is regulated. With colleagues, she discovered and characterised the first genetic disorders that cause severe childhood obesity and established that the principal driver of obesity in these conditions was a failure of the control of appetite. Her work is often cited as an exemplar of how the translation of research into the mechanisms of disease can lead to patient benefit. She has received a number of awards including the ADA Outstanding Scientific Achievement Award 2019 and the Dale Medal 2021 (the highest honour awarded by the UK Society of Endocrinology). In 2021, she was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in recognition of her exceptional contribution to science. |
Caroline Terwee
Who? |
Epidemiologist specialised in clinimetrics and principal investigator at Amsterdam University Medical Centers. |
What about? |
Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in diabetes. |
More information | Prof. dr. Caroline Terwee | Amsterdam UMC |
Biography | Caroline Terwee, PhD is full professor of Outcome Measurement in Healthcare at the Department of Epidemiology and Data Science of the Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Public Health research institute. She conducts methodological and applied research on the selection and standardization of relevant outcomes and valid and reliable measurement instruments for research and healthcare. She is one of the founders of the international COSMIN initiative (, which develops methodology and practical tools for instrument selection, including a taxonomy and definitions of measurement properties, standards and criteria for conducting studies on measurement properties, a guideline for selecting instruments for Core Outcome Sets, and a methodology for systematic reviews of PROMs. Caroline is a strong supporter of the use of generic IRT-based item banks and CAT to standardize PRO assessment. She is an active member of the PROMIS Health Organization and head of the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS National Center, who aim to improve health outcomes by developing, maintaining, improving and encouraging the application of PROMIS in research and clinical practice. |
EDEG 2023 conference
EDEG 2023
EDEG 2023 conferencecontact@edeg2023.nl
EDEG 2023 conferenceEDEG 2023 conference0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Kontakt der KontinentenKontakt der KontinentenAmersfoortsestraat 20 3769 AS Soesterberg Netherlands