ERC Consolidator 2023 Grant Training
If you are considering applying for an ERC Independent Researcher Grant, the ERC Grant Training might be something for you. This training provides more in-depth information for excellent researchers with an excellent idea for frontier research, who consider applying for an ERC Independent Researcher grant.
This workshop will take place on Wednesday November 16, 2022.
In this training, detailed knowledge on how to write an ERC Grant will be provided by A. van den Kroonenberg from Yellow Research.
Important issues that will be addressed are:
- What is ground-breaking challenging frontier research?
- What constitutes an excellent young researcher?
- Writing an ERC Grant proposal.
- The Evaluation Procedure
- From high-gain/high-risk idea to challenging proposal
- Demonstrating feasibility
- Writing outstanding personal track records.
The training consists of a video tutorial, to be watched before the workshop and two live, online webinars:
- Webinar 1: 10.00-12.00
- Webinar 2: 13.00-15.00
The training is in English and the maximum number of participants is 15 .
If you are interested in this training, please register before Monday November 7, 2022 via the following link:
Note: an outlook invitation for these two webinars, including a zoom link and the link for the video tutorial will be emailed no later than 1 week before the start of the training.
For more information about the ERC training, see the leaflet and/or contact your funding advisor of your Faculty and/or School.
ERC Consolidator 2023 Grant Training
ERC Consolidator 2023 Grant
ERC Consolidator 2023 Grant Trainingsubsidieadviseurs-bu@maastrichtuniversity.nl
ERC Consolidator 2023 Grant TrainingERC Consolidator 2023 Grant Training0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced