From procrastination to effective time management

  • How do I prevent a continuous lack of time and that feeling of anxiety?
  • How do I keep an overview of what I have to do for my study?
  • What can I do to become more organised in my work?
  • How do I prevent procrastination?
  • How do I keep my concentration and not let myself be distracted?


If you ever had trouble persuading yourself to do the things you should do or would like to do, you have experienced procrastination. During this one-hour hands-on training, we will provide you with tools that will allow you to train your willpower and to do things more efficiently. It will help you to start reducing the amount of procrastination and improve your time management.


At the end of this training, you will be able to...

  • reflect on what you spend your time on, and review your working methods
  • identify your procrastination tendencies
  • use tips & tricks to plan and spend your time effectively
  • develop a strategy to work more efficiently and maintain a healthy work-life balance


Opinions of other students on From procrastination to effective time management:

  • “Practical tips to implement, different types of advice, the willingness of trainer to answer questions.”
  • “It was nice and helpful and made me rethink the way I have been managing my time.”
  • “Practical examples, many tactics to pick from, emphasis on starting with small tasks.”
  • “Great information, the instructor explained everything really and was open, friendly, and engaging. It was also nice to speak to other students.”


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