Save the date: 9 February DCSE representatives lunch
Dear DCSE representatives,
We would like to invite you for a lunch on 9 February. During a nice lunch there will be presentations, exchange of information and time for discussion. The exact programme will follow later. If you have a topic you would like to raise on 9 February, we would also like to hear from you. Please sign up here.
Kind regards,
Kees Vuik
Suzan Derks
DCSE Representatives Lunch February 9th, 2023
Registration website for DCSE Representatives Lunch February 9th, 2023Dancy
Dancy Bruijniusdcse@tudelft.nl
DCSE Representatives Lunch February 9th, 2023 DCSE Representatives Lunch February 9th, 2023 0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Delft University of Technology, Faculty EEMCSDelft University of Technology, Faculty EEMCSMekelweg 4, Snijders Room LB.01.010 2628 CD Delft Netherlands