You are all invited!
CAPHRI PhD meeting about Research Grants
Dear fellow PhD candidates,
We would warmly like to invite you for two upcoming meetings for CAPHRI PhD candidates that will focus on research grants*:
- A webinar on Research Funding for PhD Candidates
April 11th, 14.00-15.00 CEST | Online only!
During this seminar, Vivian Braeken, our CAPHRI funding advisor, will tell you all about different types of grants that might be of interest to you. In addition, she will share some relevant ‘tips & tricks’ for grant writing and will answer all questions you might have.
- The CAPHRI PhD Spring Meeting
April 20th from 14.30-17.00 CEST | hybrid: online & DEB1
During our annual CAPHRI Spring meeting, we will talk all about grants. Though grant options are endless, it can be difficult to see which of those options could be the right fit for you. With this meeting, we hope to offer you some valuable insights, relevant information and practical tips. Via 'PROGRAMME' you can find all details regarding the content of the Spring meeting.
After registration, we will share all meeting details with you. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you during these events!
Monique, Frederike, Lieve, Chrissy and Ken
*Please note that you are warmly invited to join both meetings, which will be aligned. However, we will design them in such a way that you can also opt to only join one of the meetings.
CAPHRI PhD meetings about research grants
Registration website for CAPHRI PhD meetings about research grantsCAPHRI PhD meetings about research
CAPHRI PhD meetings about research grantscaphri-phdreps@maastrichtuniversity.nl
CAPHRI PhD meetings about research grantsCAPHRI PhD meetings about research grants0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht University / DEB1 Room B0.115Maastricht University / DEB1 Room B0.115P. Debyeplein 1 6229 HA Maastricht Netherlands