Tentative Time Schedule
02 October 2023
Registration and coffee
Opening 28th meeting of the Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers
Hank Hermans, chair Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers
Presentation opening Wiesbaden Group
Welcome on behalf of Statistics Netherlands
Marleen Verbruggen, Senior Director Economic and Business Statistics and National Accounts
Group photo
Coffee break
Session 1 Country Progress Reports
Session Leader - Bastiaan Rooijakkers, Statistics Netherlands
Keynote speaker
Marco Vianello, member of the board of directors of EBRA, the European Business Registry Association.
Lunch break
Session 2 Profiling complex Statistical Units (SUs)
Session Leader - Roland Sturm, National Statistics Office (Destatis), Germany
Coffee break
Session 2 Profiling complex Statistical Units (SUs)
Session Leader - Roland Sturm, National Statistics Office (Destatis), Germany
Network drink
03 October 2023
Session 3 Globalisation and Large Case Units
Session Leader - Andrew Allen, Office for National Statistics (ONS), The United Kingdom
Coffee break
Session 3 Globalisation and Large Case Units
Session Leader - Andrew Allen, Office for National Statistics (ONS), The United Kingdom
Lunch break
Session 4 Industrial Classification Systems: Treatments for the upcoming NACE or ISIC revision and other industry classification issues
Session Leader - Bastiaan Rooijakkers, Statistics Netherlands
Coffee break
Session 4 Industrial Classification Systems: Treatments for the upcoming NACE or ISIC revision and other industry classification issues
Session Leader - Bastiaan Rooijakkers, Statistics Netherlands
04 October 2023
Session 5 Workshop SBR Maturity Model (SMM)
Plenary session
Session Leader - Hank Hermans, Statistics Netherlands
Coffee break
Session 5 Workshop SBR Maturity Model (SMM)
Break out sessions
Session Leaders - Hank Hermans (CBS), Bastiaan Rooijakkers (CBS), Ricco Dun (GLEIF)
Lunch break
Social Event
05 October 2023
Session 5 Feedback workshop SBR Maturity Model (SMM)
Plenary session
Session leader - Hank Hermans
Coffee break
Session 6 New data sources: Opportunity and challenges
Session Leader - Annabelle Mourougane, OECD
Lunch break
Session 6 New data sources: Opportunity and challenges
Session Leader - Annabelle Mourougane, OECD
Summary and conclusions
06 October 2023
Session 7 Redesigns of the SBR
Session Leader - Bastiaan Rooijakkers, Statistics Netherlands
Country presentations
Coffee break
Two parallel sessions were groups wille be switched after lunch
- The process of the redesign
- The content of the redesign
Lunch break
Continuation of two parallel sessions where groups are switched
- The process of the redesign
- The content of the redesign
Plenary conclusions
28th Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Projectteam Microdatagebruikersmiddagwiesbadengroup2023@cbs.nl
Projectteam Microdatagebruikersmiddagwiesbadengroup2023@cbs.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/143739
28th Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group28th Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
CBSCBSHenri Faasdreef 312 2492JP Den Haag Netherlands