Edison RPM | Kick-off Day
We are pleased and honored to invite you to the EDISON-Remote Patient Management (RPM) | Kick-off day on May 16th 2023 from 12.15 to 18.30 (including lunch and drinks), at the Technical University in Delft. Besides the 57 consortium partners, everyone interested to know more about the EDISON-RPM program or interested to participate, is more than welcome!
The EDISON-RPM’s ambition is to contribute to an impactful transformation of the Dutch healthcare system and boost of the Dutch economy. Widespread implementation of integrated care pathways using RPM solutions will reduce the pressure on our healthcare system. This will both secure healthcare staff availability ánd increase productivity in the total labour market, while also creating export opportunities in a global and growing medical technology market. The EDISON-RPM consortium submitted recently an application to the National Growth Fund.
Our ambition can only be achieved by building a strong ecosystem. Therefore we hope to welcome you on May 16th in Delft!
The entire program for the EDISON-RPM | Kick-off Day will be completed in the upcoming weeks and can be found here.
Please note that the main language is English and participation is free of charge.
Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone who may be interested.
Register now and join us at May 16 in Delft.
As leads of the EDISON-RPM consortium we hope to meet you all!
Niels Chavannes, Miriam Vollenbroek, Maaike Kleinsmann, Douwe Atsma, Jildau Bouwman, Hine van Os en Rian Rijnsburger
EDISON-RPM | Kick-off Day
EDISON-RPM | Kick-off Daym.e.vandiepenbrugge@tudelft.nl
EDISON-RPM | Kick-off Daym.e.vandiepenbrugge@tudelft.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/143824
EDISON-RPM | Kick-off DayEDISON-RPM | Kick-off Day0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
X DelftX DelftMekelweg 8 2628 CD Delft Netherlands