Medical Delta PhD- and PostDoc meeting
Prior to the Medical Delta Conference 2023
You are invited to join our PhD(candidate) and PostDoc-meeting!
This event is hosted in close collaboration with Young Medical Delta and will offer you networking possibilities, learnings and an interesting workshop about how to speak the same language and find common ground in transdisciplinairy research collaborations, coming from different backgrounds and disciplines.
We are delighted to present a keynote + workshop hosted by Julie Schoorl, Lecturer Science Communication & Society at Leiden University, entitled 'Science communication & society: pitfalls and opportunities surrounding the gap between scientists and the general public’.
Just like last year, the event will be held at the same location as the Medical Delta Conference. This years' Medical Delta Conference will take place at the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam. As the PhD-PostDoc meeting will be held just prior to the main program, you will be able to meet your peers, visit an interesting workshop and attent the Medical Delta Conference at the same time and place.
Please register here (admission is free)
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Team Medical Delta
PhD-Postdoc event Conference 2023
PhD-Postdoc event Conference
PhD-Postdoc event Conference 2023info@medicaldelta.nl
PhD-Postdoc event Conference 2023PhD-Postdoc event Conference 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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