
Staffdevelopment UTQ sessions: Kick off and Intake 

You must have successfully completed the PBL training and have sufficient teaching experience (a minimum of two course periods) to be able to start the UTQ trajectory. You need to attend this session before you can start your first module. 

It is not possible to attend these sessions online.

Download information UTQ 

CM CAPGROEPEN EN VOORZITTERS mailen welke mensen ik mag/moet uitnodigen

You can, unfortunately, not start the UTQ in case you have not finished the PBL training. Please contact Catherine de Rijdt or sign up for the PBL training via this link.

Please use your Maastrichtuniversity e-mail address below. We cannot add personal accounts to the canvas course.

In preparation for the UTQ kick-off and intake session, please complete the following preparatory tasks: 

1. create your educational CV
2. complete the UTQ self-assessment form

You can find the preparatory task on the Law UTQ canvas environment (see the relevant module and assignment box), where you are also expected to submit your preparation 2 working days in advance of the session. 
If you have questions, please c
ontact Jennifer Sellin.

You will receive a confirmation with the room a few days before the session. In case of changes (illness, change date etc.) please always (even if it is the next day) adjust your registration yourself using the link in the confirmation. 


In preparation please download the preparatory tasks here and upload your tasks to UTQ in Canvas at least 2 working days in advance of the meeting. Your completed Self-Assessment and educational CV will also be part of your UTQ portfolio. 

Download the UTQ self-assessment form: 
Intake UM UTQ selfassessmentform
Dutch: Intake UM BKO zelfbeoordelingsformulier.docx

If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Sellin.

Thank you for your registration. 

In case of changes (illness, change date etc.) please always (even if it is the next day) adjust your registration yourself using the link in the confirmation. We also kindly ask you to keep track of which modules you have completed.

As a participant you can create an account at, so that you can have your own overview of all your events.

How to create an account in Aanmelder
The option 'Login' can be seen in the top right corner or in your navigation bar (while opening your event website). You will be redirected to a Login screen. 
Enter your e-mail address and click on 'Login'. If you are new and your e-mail address is unknown, you will get a notification. In this case, click on 'I agree with the terms and conditions' and 'Create account'. A one-time password will be sent to the e-mail address you filled in. Enter this password in the next screen and press 'Login'. The following icon can be seen at the top right of you when you are logged in:

For more information, click here