The Institute for Information Law organizes an annual intensive post-graduate course on international copyright law and policy. The face of copyright law and policy changes continuously, mostly due to the constant evolution of the digital networked environment and the legislative initiatives at the international and European level. As a result, copyright professionals must keep abreast of the applicable rules and policy initiatives, including those deriving from the international treaties and the various European directives in the area.
The course will extend over a period of five days from July 1 to 5, 2024. Please consult the program for details on the seminars.
Enrollment is limited to 15-20 participants.
Goals of the course:
At the conclusion of the course, participants will have gained valuable insight in the most crucial current issues of copyright law, examined from a comparative law perspective and in the light of recent international and regional agreements. Participants in the course will also have access to comprehensive course materials, consisting of the most relevant international, European and American legislative documents, case law, and other background materials.
The lectures are given by internationally renowned scholars, including those of the Institute for Information Law, and practitioners who all share years of academic and practical experience in the field of international copyright law.
Faculty organizers:
João Quintais, Assistant Professor, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, NL.
Please visit our website for more information the Summer Course or register here.
IViR Summer Course on International Copyright Law & Policy 2024

IViR Summer Course on International Copyright Law & Policy
IViR Summer Course on International Copyright Law & Policy 2024informationlaw@uva.nl
IViR Summer Course on International Copyright Law & Policy 2024IViR Summer Course on International Copyright Law & Policy 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
De Burcht van BerlageDe Burcht van BerlageHenri Polaklaan 9 1018 CP Amsterdam Netherlands