AI Event for Research and Education

Using artificial intelligence in Research and Teaching is in all our minds. Since there is not much guidance yet, we would like to exchange ideas and experiences with all staff members regarding the use of AI at our Faculty for brainstorming research ideas, editing texts, educational tasks, assessment and others. The purpose is to learn about what AI can do and discuss how we want to deal with it in the future.


10.00 – 10.20h:   Short introduction to AI and UM’s steps so far
10.20 – 11.20h:   AI in education and assessment
11.20 – 12.00h:   AI in research
12.00 – 12.30h:   Lunch
12.30 – 13.30h:   Discussion in breakout sessions 
                                  1) Education and assessment and 
                                  2) Research

Click here for the event website