Seminar “Critical raw materials in a circular world”​​

15-May-2024 | De Aula Conference Centre, Delft

About the event

On Wednesday 15 May, a seminar on the role of critical raw materials in a circular world will take place in Lecture Hall A (near the auditorium). This seminar is part of the Materials Week: a week in which TU Delft shows what it does in the field of critical raw materials and how it contributes to the Europe of the future, a Europe that is less dependent on a limited number of (or specific) suppliers. The seminar will start at 14.00 and end with drinks. Would you like to attend? Then sign up via the registration form (also see tab above)

A circular economy is an economic system aimed at minimising waste and maximising the reuse of raw materials. Critical raw materials play an important role in this, as they are often found in products with a long lifespan - think electronics, batteries and solar panels. The efficient use and recycling of critical raw materials is therefore extremely important to maintain our supply of raw materials, reduce our dependence on external sources and minimise our impact on the environment. But anyway, how exactly do we do that? What dilemmas are involved? And how does a circular system ensure that we use critical resources differently?

During the seminar, several researchers will talk about how they work on and with critical raw materials, and how these solutions will soon be found in a (more) circular world.

·       Jasper Coppen talks about life extension in microelectronics. By better understanding the lifespan of microscopic components or systems, you can better predict how and when to reuse critical parts.

·       Joep van de Ven leads us through the wonderful world of lithium-ion batteries. Joep is currently investigating whether it is possible, based on a hydrometallurgical process (a method for extracting metals using aqueous solutions), to recycle LFP and NMC batteries together, even though their chemical compositions are very different.

·       And Dorien van Dolderen explains how she looks at improving the recyclability of electronics by creating and validating design guidelines.

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Collegezaal A - De Aula Conference Centre

Mekelweg 52628 CC Delft