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UnliMited book club - Convenience Store Woman
(Nederlandse tekst is hieronder te vinden)
Join us to discuss Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata! Find out more about the book here.
During this event, we will discuss the book using a few guiding questions. The discussion might lead to other topics, but we will start with the following prompts:
- Did you enjoy it? Would you recommend this book to someone? Why or why not (or with what caveats)?
- What surprised you the most about the book?
- Keiko picks up characteristics from those around her very directly. Have you ever picked up behaviours from those around you? Did you know you were doing it?
- From your point of view, what were the central themes of the book? How well do you think the author did at exploring them?
- When Shiraha complains about the convenience store job, Keiko tells him, "Shiraha, we’re in the twenty-first century! Here in the convenience store we’re not men and women. We’re all store workers." What do you think of that statement? What do you think she means by it?
- There’s a lot of discussion in the novel about societal structures and expectations, to what extent do you feel these are real or perceived by the characters?
- Why do you think the author chose to give Keiko qualities that suggest she is on the autism spectrum but never explicitly state it?
16.00………..welcome, take a seat
16.10………..start of discussion
17.15………..continuation of discussion
17.50……….moving on, planning future book club meetings
UnliMited boekenclub - Convenience Store Woman.
Doe mee en bespreek Convenience Store Woman van Sayaka Murata. Kom hier meer te weten over het boek.
Belangrijk om te weten: de discussie zal in het Engels plaatsvinden.
Tijdens deze activiteit zullen we het boek bespreken aan de hand van een paar leidende vragen. De bespreking kan ook over andere onderwerpen gaan, maar we zullen in ieder geval beginnen met de volgende vragen:
- Did you enjoy it? Would you recommend this book to someone? Why or why not (or with what caveats)?
- What surprised you the most about the book?
- Keiko picks up characteristics from those around her very directly. Have you ever picked up behaviours from those around you? Did you know you were doing it?
- From your point of view, what were the central themes of the book? How well do you think the author did at exploring them?
- When Shiraha complains about the convenience store job, Keiko tells him, "Shiraha, we’re in the twenty-first century! Here in the convenience store we’re not men and women. We’re all store workers." What do you think of that statement? What do you think she means by it?
- There’s a lot of discussion in the novel about societal structures and expectations, to what extent do you feel these are real or perceived by the characters?
- Why do you think the author chose to give Keiko qualities that suggest she is on the autism spectrum but never explicitly state it?
16.10………..begin van discussie
17.15………..door met de discussie
17.50……….vervolg, inplannen volgende bijeenkomsten
25 February 2025
UnliMited bookclub
UnliMited bookclubUnliMited bookclub0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Kaleido / Tapijn ZKaleido / Tapijn ZHubertuslaan 21 6211 LH Maastricht Netherlands