Join us at the Alumni Circle Event in Vienna on Thursday 23 November 2023!
On Thursday 23 November, we are making the return to Vienna! Together with Alumni Circle Committee member Jens we are hosting an informal get together at Café Hummel. Join us to meet your fellow UM-alumni in an informal setting, make new professional connections and share memories about your time at the university.
Date: Thursday 23 November 2023
Time: Starting at 18:30h
Location: Café Hummel
Address: Josefstädter Str. 66, 1080 Wien
Entrance: Free
Registration: Register here.
Extra info: The UM Alumni Office will sponsor two drinks per person
All registered alumni living and working in Vienna have been invited. Unfortunately, we do not have contact information of all alumni who live there. If you know about other alumni who have not yet received an invitation, please let them and us know. Obviously, they are very welcome. They can also update their data through this link to not miss out on future events.
If you have registered, we count on your presence. If you are no longer able to attend, please de-register via the confirmation mail you received through aanmelder or let us know via
We hope to welcome you there!
Best regards,
UM Alumni Office & Jens Peter Ennen, Alumni Circle Committee member Vienna
Alumni Circle Event - Vienna

Maastricht University Alumni
Maastricht University Alumni Officealumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Alumni Circle Event - ViennaAlumni Circle Event - Vienna0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Café HummelCafé HummelJosefstädter Str. 6 1080 Wien Austria