Join us at the Alumni Circle Event in Munich on Tuesday 20 August 2024!
It's time to catch up, reminisce, and make new memories! Join us on Tuesday, 20th of August 2024, starting at 19:00 at the Biergarten am Chinesischen Turm in Englischer Garten. As in the past years, we usually sit inside the tower, so look out for familiar faces there.
We'll meet up for some refreshing Helles or Schorle of your choice. If you want, you can enjoy a full dinner with the typical beergarden offerings or bring your own snacks for a picnic-style gathering. It's the perfect opportunity to relax and reconnect in a casual setting. If you like, you can continue to a bar in Maxvorstadt after the meet-up but we did not organise this part of the evening to keep everyone flexible.
Event details:
Date: Tuesday, 20 August 2024
Time: starting at 19:00
Location: Biergarten am Chinesischen Turm
Address: Englischer Garten 3, 80538 – usually we sit inside the tower
Entrance: Free
Registration: Here
Program: After a short intro, welcoming everyone from the UM side, we will meet for some drinks, who wants can make it a full dinner with the typical beergarden offering or bring snacks in a Picnic style.
To make things easier, please join our LinkedIn and WhatsApp groups. We'll share our exact location in the WhatsApp group on the evening of the event.
Can't wait to see you there and catch up on all the latest news!
Important note:
If you have registered, we count on your presence. If you are no longer able to attend, please de-register via the confirmation mail you received through Aanmelder or let us know via
We look forward to seeing you on the 20th!
Best regards,
UM Alumni Office & The Munich UM Alumni organizing committee: Christian, Clara, Giorgia, Martin and Sümer
Alumni Circle Event - Munich 20-08-2024

Maastricht University Alumni
Maastricht University Alumni Officealumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Alumni Circle Event - Munich 20-08-2024Alumni Circle Event - Munich 20-08-20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Biergarten am Chinesischen TurmBiergarten am Chinesischen TurmEnglisher Garten 3 80538 Munich Germany