Title webinar

Fault experiments to generate data from living laboratory



In order to develop AFDD algorithms, there is a need to generate a high-quality dataset for their training. In this webinar, the steps followed to obtain this dataset through fault experiments is explained through the following sections:


  1. Preparation: This section will cover topics such as re-commissioning, installing additional sensors, selection of faults and their severity setting
  2. Fault experiments: Implementation of the faults, sensor data collection through BMS, collection of occupant feedback
  3. Data exploration
  4. Looking ahead: Shortcomings and future plans


Speakers: Karzan Mohammed and Srinivasan Gopalan



Karzan and Srinivasan are PhD candidates at Eindhoven University of Technolog, department of Built Environment.



18 January 2024

16:00 - 17:00