Please find the programme below.
02 June 2023
Welcome and introduction
Kees Kaan, architect, Head of the Department of Architecture
Klaske Havik and Susana Oliveira, Action Chairs
Cities Part I
Limerick - Extra Muros
Michael G. Kelly
Respondent Luc Pauwels
Almada - The Other Margin
Luis Santiago Baptista, Susana Oliveira
Respondent Lorin Niculae
Osijek - Mapping the Fictional and the Physical City
Sonja Novak and Angeliki Sioli
Respondent Sernaz Arslan
Round Table Working Groups 1 + 2: Communications and Theory
Jorge Mejía Hernandez, Onorina Botezat, Science communication
working group 1
Sonja Novak, Angeliki Sioli, Giuseppe Resta
working group 2
Respondents: Svava Riesto, Lorna Stokes
Workshop & Lunch
Workshop introduction
Saskia de Wit and Angeliki Sioli
Workshop & Lunch break
(suggestions for nearby restaurants will be provided)
Round Table Working Groups 3 + 4:
Methods and Fieldwork
Carlos Machado e Moura, Dalia Milián Bernal
working group 3
Slobodan Velevski and Luis Santiago Baptista
working group 4
Respondents: Mattias Malk, Matej Nikšič, Kingą Kimic
Cities Part II
Tampere - Co-Constructed Narratives of the Grassroots in the City
Elina Alatalo
Respondent Mathilde Merolli
Tallinn - Stories of Pictures and Pictures of Stories
Jüri Soolep
Respondent Fernando Ferreira
Çanakkale - A Topographical System of Fictional Events and Memories
Giuseppe Resta and Sonja Novak
Respondent Juliana Wexel
Cities Part II (cont.)
Skopje - The Brutalist Trail
Blagoja Bajkovski, Ana Rafailovska, Marija Mano Velevska
Respondent Holly Dale
Tirana - The Planned, the Un-Planned and Everything In-between
Dorina Pllumbi, Diana Malaj, Willie Vogel
Respondent Nama’a Qudah
Session 6. Films and books
Screening of short films from the fieldwork events
Introduction by Jorge Mejía and Onorina Botezat
Drinks & Book presentations
-Vademecum 77 Minor Terms for Writing Urban Places
-Repository 49 Methods and Assignments for Writing Urban Places
-Other destinations
-Writingplace journal #5 Narrative Methods for Writing Urban Places
-Writingplace journal #6 City Narratives as Places of meaningfulness, Appropriation and Integration
-Writingplace journal #7 Taking place: Reflections from the Fieldworker
-Nalans Journal of Narrative and Language Studies, special issue The Narrative Identity of European Cities
Closing Dinner at Restaurant De Bar/Baar in Delft
Sint Agathaplein 4
2611 HR Delft
(with pre-registration)
COST Writing Urban Places Symposium
COST Writing Urban Places
COST Writing Urban Places Symposiums.ibrahim@tudelft.nl
COST Writing Urban Places SymposiumCOST Writing Urban Places Symposium0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Faculty of Architecture and The Built EnvironmentFaculty of Architecture and The Built EnvironmentJulianalaan 134 2628 BL Delft Netherlands