19 April 2024
Registration (coffee/tea)
Welcome (J. Weis, K. Claeys)
SESSION 1: Motor neuron diseases
Chairpersons: Kristl Claeys, Michael Van Es
Therapeutic (r)evolution in SMA: where are we now and what about the future? - Liesbeth De Waele (Belgium)
Novel developments in ALS - Michael Van Es (The Netherlands)
Oral presentations from abstracts
Bi-allelic ATXN2 repeat expansions cause autosomal, recessive ALS -Koen Demaegd
The German MND-Net Tissue Bank - an update - Joachim Weis
Risdiplam treatment in adult patients with spinal muscular atrophy: a prospective study investigating clinical, functional, and patient-reported outcome measures over 12 months - Louise Iterbeke
Coffee break
SESSION 2: Neuromuscular junction disorders
Chairpersons: Marc De Baets, Mario Losen
Update on Myasthenia gravis – optimizing treatment for all patients - Martijn Tannemaat (The Netherlands)
Oral presentations from abstracts
Congenital myasthenic syndromes in Belgium: genetic and clinical characterization of pediatric and adult patients - Nathalie Smeets
The relevance of complement activation in myasthenia gravis – a quantification study using the experimental passive transfer MG model - Anja Schöttler
Hock immunization, an update of the experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (EAMG) mouse model - Marina Mané Damas
Are thymus-resident plasma cells prognostic factors of thymectomy in patients with anti-acetylcholine receptor myasthenia gravis? - Britt Arets
A tribute to Prof. J. Michael Schröder, 1937-2023 (Joachim Weis, Stephan Züchner, Claudia Sommer, Vincent Timmerman, Hans-Hilmar Goebel)
SESSION 3: Peripheral neuropathies I
Chairpersons: Claudia Sommer, Peter Van den Bergh
New EAN/PNS GBS guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of GBS - Pieter Van Doorn (The Netherlands)
Pathophysiology of demyelinating neuropathies - Ruth Stassart (Germany)
Genomics-To-Therapy: a concept illustrated by CMT-SORD - Stephan Züchner (USA)
Oral presentations from abstracts
Supervised machine learning algorithms for diagnosing chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy - Iris van Doorn
Loss-of-function mutations in the nuclear envelope gene FAM169A cause autosomal dominant lower and upper motor neuropathy - Maike Dohrn
Recurrent missense variant in ITPR3 causes demyelinating Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy with remarkably variable severity - Danique Beijer
Frequency and clinical characterization of SORD-Related neuropathy in a Belgian cohort - Matthias Opsomer
Dominant OGDH mutations cause peripheral neuropathy with ataxia and optical atrophy - Liedewei Van de Vondel
Let’s drop some Fats: The idiosyncrasies of lipid droplets in iPSC-Schwann cell precursor cells from Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A patients. - Koen Kuipers
Inducible dental pulp stem cells-derived Schwann cells for CMT1A modelling - Nathalie Dirkx
Coffee break
SESSION 4: Peripheral neuropathies II
Chairpersons: Martin Lammens, Stephan Goedee
Novel therapeutic avenues in hereditary peripheral neuropathies - Davide Pareyson (Italy)
Proteostasis regulators in neuromuscular diseases – learning from zebrafish models - Juliane Bremer (Germany)
Oral presentations from abstracts
Comparison of efficacy outcomes with Vutrisiran vs. Patisiran in hATTR amyloidosis with polyneuropathy: post-hoc analysis of the HELIOS-A study - Valérie Dupong
A comparison of neurofilament in serum, cerebrospinal fluid and peripheral nerve in patients undergoing nerve biopsy - Simon Streit
Autophagy phenotypical screening identified new molecules to restore neuronal proteostasis in cellular models of HSPB1 and HSPB8-associated peripheral neuropathies - Angela Sisto
The effects of PMP22 overexpression on cellular stress in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A - Hanne Jeurissen
PDE4D inhibition with Gebr32a stimulates Schwann cell differentiation and improves the functional outcome in models for Charcot Marie Tooth disease 1A - Tim Vangansewinkel
Foreign body response hampers tissue integration of a poly(ε-caprolactone) nanofibre-containing scaffold for peripheral nerve repair - Pascal Achenbach
Nerve transfers in children with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita - Benedikt Schäfer
20 April 2024
SESSION 5: Muscle disorders I
Chairpersons: Werner Stenzel, Anne Schänzer
Neuromuscular imaging: a better eye on nerves and muscles - Nens van Alfen (The Netherlands)
Clinical and imaging advances in inflammatory myopathies - Anneke van der Kooi (The Netherlands)
Whats New in Pathogenesis of IIM - Werner Stenzel (Germany)
Oral presentations from abstracts
The adiponectin receptor agonist, ALY688: a promising therapeutic for fibrosis in the dystrophic muscle - Nicolas Dubuisson
Inhibition of KDM5A reverses pathological features in sporadic inclusion body myositis-like cell models - Geert de Vries
Automated morphometric analysis of ICAM-1 expression highlights similarities and differences between myositis subtypes - Anne Schänzer
Coffee break
SESSION 6: Muscle disorders II
Chairpersons: Ingo Kurth, Anneke Van der Kooi
Genetics in distal muscle diseases - Bjarne Udd (Finland)
Advances and caveats of novel therapies in (neuro)muscular disorders - Benedikt Schoser (Germany)
Oral presentations from abstracts
Comprehensive four-year disease progression assessment of DM1, based on the Dutch MYODRAFT registry - Leandre la Fontaine
Life expectancy and causes of death in patients with Myotonic Dystrophy type 2. - Alide Tieleman
Heterozygous SPTAN1 loss-of-function variants cause early childhood onset distal myopathy - Jonathan De Winter
The exception that proves the rule: a titin truncating variant causing a dominant myopathy with cardiac involvement - Kristl Claeys
Alpha-synuclein as potential biomarker in Inclusion body myositis – a histological and serological study - Alexander Mensch
Closure (J. Weis, K. Claeys)
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