Register for the Fourth Maritime Security Conference 2021

The United States and the Netherlands are organizing the fourth Maritime Security Conference, an expert seminar on DPRK sanctions implementation. The expert meeting will be aimed at the maritime sector by focusing on the full implementation of the maritime provisions of DPRK-related UNSCRs, including provisions related to export controls, ship registration, port access, and the provision of services to DPRK-associated vessels.
The expert meeting will consist of a digital two-day main event in March and four preparatory working groups. Please find below the indicative programme. You only have to register for this platform once. Specific information on the individual sessions will be sent to you separately. 

13 January (09:00 AM UTC+9)
Workshop 1: Ship to ship transfers

3 February (01:00 PM UTC +1)
Workshop 2: Transshipment ports

10 February (01:00 PM UTC +1)
Workshop 3: Registry states 

24 February (01:00 PM UTC +1)
Workshop 4: Maritime hubs

3 March (01:00 PM UTC +1)
Fourth Maritime Security Conference on Comprehensive Implementation of Maritime Provisions of UNSC Resolutions on the DPRK

4 March (01:00 PM UTC +1)
Private Sector Event on Comprehensive Implementation of
Maritime Provisions of UNSC Resolutions on the DPRK


To register, please consider the following:

  • In case you have already registered for a previous event, you do not have to register online again, you will automatically receive the information needed for the workshops to which your country is invited.
  • Attendance is limited to three persons per delegation. 
  • One person will be asked to speak on behalf of the delegation and will be required to have their camera on during the entire session.
  • A more detailed program and log in instructions to enter the digital platform will be sent to registered participants shortly before the workshops. 
  • Background materials will be made available prior to the workshops on the digital platform.
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