Sponsor options

Eurotransplant Annual Meeting 2023
September 28-29

Logo and link on Annual meeting website: € 3.000,-
The sponsor will have its logo displayed on the web pages of the official Annual Meeting website and in addition on several electronic alerts sent to the participants before the congress. Reach a wider audience as this website has a high number of visitors in the run up, during and after the congress as all participants and interested parties regularly check it for updated news on registration, accommodation, scientific program, networking events and useful general information.

Recognition on slideshow during meeting (between sessions): € 3.000,-
In each meeting room the sponsor logo will be displayed on a slideshow. This slideshow will be displayed on the main beamer at the beginning and end of each session.

Table display during meeting: € 5.500,-

  • One table and two chairs
  • Power socket
  • Access for two employees to all sessions, lunches and networking event
  • Company logo on program leaflet
  • Company logo and link on the meeting website

Package  € 7.500,-
Deliverables - pre-event

  • Complimentary registrations: 2
    • registration permits access to all sessions, lunches and networking event)
  • Recognition with logo and link on Annual meeting website 
  • Pre-event video (120 seconds max) on the support of Eurotransplant.
    Sponsor creates video (send Vimeo/YouTube link), which will be shared via the meeting website.

Deliverables - during event

  • Recognition with logo on program leaflet
  • Exclusive table display in sponsor area
    • One table and two chairs
    • Power socket
  • Recognition on slideshow during meeting (between sessions)

Deliverables - after event

  • Recognition in post-event thank you to attendees



Information needed to send the invoice in case information above is different: