The Ethics of
End-of-life Decisions
a conference in collaboration with
the Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence,
the ASCA Philosophy and Public Affairs seminar,
the NVVE,
Steunfonds Laatste Wil.
Date: Friday 22 September 2023, 9.30-17.00h
Location: Roeterseiland Campus; Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, Building A, Room 3.15
This conference will be held on the occasion of the publication of the new standard work on ethical and legal issues concerning end-of-life decisions, What Kind of Death, The Ethics of Determining One’s Own Death by professor Govert den Hartogh. In this book, prof. den Hartogh considers a broad range of fundamental and practical matters – including concrete issues of legal regulation – related to end-of-life decision-making.
We are delighted to announce that the keynote speaker for this conference will be Professor Wayne Sumner, university professor emeritus of the University of Toronto. Professor Sumner is a distinguished scholar in the field of medical ethics and has made significant contributions to the understanding of ethical dilemmas surrounding end-of-life decisions, including his highly acclaimed book Assisted Death, A Study in Ethics and Law (Oxford UP 2011).
In addition to Professor Sumner's keynote address and a discussion with prof. den Hartogh, the conference will host a series of parallel presentations on themes related to prof. den Hartogh’s book. Papers (in English) presented at the conference will be published in a special issue of Filosofie & Praktijk (Amsterdam University Press).
The conference is free of charge.
We look forward to welcoming you to the conference on The Ethics of End-of-life Decisions.
The Ethics of End-of-Life Decisions

The Ethics of End-of-Life
The Ethics of End-of-Life Decisionsconference@uva.nl
The Ethics of End-of-Life DecisionsThe Ethics of End-of-Life Decisions0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced