Introduction to EAZA Ex situ Programme Management

This introduction to EEP (EAZA Ex situ Programme) management is meant as fundamental training for (prospective) EEP coordinators. Participants learn how to coordinate an EEP within the EAZA framework, tips for project management, professional studbook keeping and essentials of genetic and demographic management. This includes learning how to use ZIMS for Studbooks and PMx software. Importantly, this course also teaches how to use existing resources and support from others to grow into a confident EEP coordinator.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course you will:

  1. Be familiar with the diversity of EEPs and ways they can contribute to conservation
  2. Be aware of the standards, procedures and guidelines for population management within EAZA and where to find them.
  3. Be aware of the practicalities of running a programme
  4. Know why and how to maintain genetic diversity and minimise inbreeding
  5. Understand how to plan ahead for demographic challenges that are yet to come
  6. Be effective in using ZIMS for Studbooks as database for managing your population
  7. Be acquainted with using PMx for developing breeding and transfer recommendations

Participants on this course are split into two groups. The course consists of three mandatory days and one optional half day. This optional half day is meant for participants who already coordinate a programme, focusing on applying the theory to your programme specifically.

At least one month before the course starts, you will receive a login to complete the self-paced, freely available ZIMS for Studbooks online course (8-16 hours). (if you have not completed this course already). You will also receive a PMx exercise (1 hour). Please finalise the course and this exercise at least one week before the course starts.

For this course you will need a laptop (Windows operating system) - a small number of laptops are available to borrow from the EAZA Executive Office upon request (please let us know at least a week before). For participants from EAZA Member institutions, please arrange for an EAZA Member Account at least one month before the course by completing this form


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