HLF-EDU 2024​​​​​​​​​​​​

17- 18 June 2024 | Vakwerkhuis, Delft

Education on standardisation in Europe

 A conference organised by EC High-Level Forum (HLF) on European Standardisation

 17-18 June 2024, Delft, The Netherlands

The success of the European standardisation system depends on the involvement of experts from business, public administration, civil society, research and science. How can Europe ensure it will create the pool of future talents to represent it in the field of standardisation to maintain its current influential position? How can we scale up education on standardisation in universities, vocational institutes, and on-the-job?


This event brings together national and European standardisation bodies, academics that teach standards, representatives of EU member states and other stakeholders to discuss the challenges but also work towards solutions.

The event is organised back-to-back with the annual meeting of EURAS, the European Academy for Standardisation

(June 19-21, 2024), also in Delft.

This conference is organised by Workstream 1 of the High-Level Forum (HLF) on European Standardisation of the European Commission,

lead by Eindhoven University of Technology, CEN/CENELEC and DIGITALEUROPE.

The event is hosted and sponsored by the Eindhoven University of Technology in collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.

The networking receptions are supported by ETSI and by CEN-CENELEC.

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