Inspirational Tuesdays on the agenda
April 19, 18:30-20:00|Conscious Closeness: boundaries, trust & consent
Workshop by Leonie Derkinderen|Centrum Vaktherapie @Elisabeth Strouvenlaan 51a
If you are like most people, connection to others is important to you and you invest a lot of care and effort in maintaining relationships and caring for loved ones. In this workshop, we take some of this care and effort to balance out your investment in others and the care you give to your own needs and boundaries. We will speak about important topics in shaping your relationships: trust, boundaries and consent. We will look at interaction patterns such as giving and receiving and see how we can break out of habits and scripts in intimate relationships. We will do this by listening to our bodies and learning about consent and somatic boundaries. We will start speaking about how we get what we want, and how to discover what it is we might want in the here and now. We will do some practical exercises (all consent based) and you are welcome to bring your questions!
The workshop will be given by Leonie der Kinderen, who is a drama therapist. You can read more about her and her experience here:
May 17, 18:30-20:30|The relationship between sex, intimacy and consent
In this workshop we will discuss sex as one of the ways we relate within intimacy. We will talk about sexual scripts, creating a intimate or sexual space, bringing up safer sex and consent. There will be some optional exercises to practise ways of starting tough conversations and creating great shared moments.
The workshop will be given by Leonie der Kinderen, who is a dramatherapist. You can read more about her and her experience here:
Z - gesloten - Inspirational Tuesdays
Z - gesloten - Inspirational
Z - gesloten - Inspirational Tuesdayswellbeingmovement@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Z - gesloten - Inspirational TuesdaysZ - gesloten - Inspirational Tuesdays0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityMinderbroedersberg 4-6 6211 LK Maastricht Netherlands