Local and migrant women on the challenges of integrating in Limburg
Location: The InnBetween, Capucijnenstraat 122
Maastricht, 6211RT
24 September 2021, (15:00 – 17:00)
Migration comes in many different forms and is the personal story of millions of humans looking for a better home. However, numbers and statistics continue to have a strong influence on European migration policymaking, and stereotypes about migrants still dominate public debate.
On 24 September, Studio Europa Maastricht is organising a special event aimed at broadening the migration narrative in Europe. Women with and without migration backgrounds will come together to discuss their migration-related experiences in the Netherlands and Europe.
The event is dedicated to facilitating personal encounters and mutual understanding at a local level. The participants will address questions such as: What obstacles do foreign women face when settling in Dutch society? What opportunities already exist? What are the hopes of female migrants travelling to Europe? How can the local community provide further support? Where do these women see themselves in 10 years?
The programme consists of a dialogue among invited speakers and an interactive part aimed at sharing stories. For the interactive session, participants are invited to bring a personal object that represents home.
The event will be organised as part of the Act for Global Goals Days. Organised by Mondiaal Maastricht, the goal of this annual event is to build bridges between citizens and organisations as part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The event is also part the EU-funded EU-MED project, a collaboration between a broader consortium of European organisations.
MEET-UP: Local and migrant women on the challenges of integrating in Limburg
MEET-UP: Local and migrant women on the challenges of integrating in
MEET-UP: Local and migrant women on the challenges of integrating in Limburginfo@maastrichteurope.nl
MEET-UP: Local and migrant women on the challenges of integrating in LimburgMEET-UP: Local and migrant women on the challenges of integrating in Limburg0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced