Metabolomics Summer School
The Metabolomics & Analytics Centre (LACDR / Leiden University) is happy to announce:
The METABOLOMICS Summer School
12 – 15 July 2022, De Sitterzaal, Huygens building, Leiden
Short background
The ambition of the Metabolomics & Analytics Centre of the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research and led by prof. Thomas Hankemeier is to develop innovative analytical strategies for metabolomics-driven health monitoring and systems biology studies. We believe that continuous health monitoring and analyzing the health continuum requires high-throughput technologies. Furthermore, we believe that translating biomarker findings from large-cohort studies or real-world settings with multiple patient samples to novel prevention and treatment strategies requires patient-derived in-vitro models and patient-specific computational models. We use advanced statistical methods, computational metabolic networks, and integration of other omics data to analyze and interpret our data. As Metabolomics & Analytics Centre we strive to be a major player in Education & Training on multiple levels; for our own researchers, for students within the LACDR institute, and for external parties such as for the COAST ATLAS programme Young NMC, Exposome-NL and Fieldlab Phenomix. The Centre is committed to prepare each student (BSc, MSc or starting PhD level) as an independent, critical researcher with the right skillset to be able to address relevant fundamental or societal questions with metabolomics.
Therefore, in this course, we will cover each aspect of the analytical metabolomics workflow, i.e. from biological question and all the way to data interpretation, with a strong focus on the fundamentals and recent developments. A range of applications in the life sciences will be highlighted.
Target audience
The Metabolomics Summer School is meant for PhD students, postdocs and (highly motivated) master students. It is also well suited for industrial/clinical researchers at that level.
The material requires a broad, general knowledge of Chemistry, Biology and Data Analysis, but participants do not need to be experienced in Metabolomics.
At the end of the course
The participants will gain a good understanding of Metabolomics in all its facets.
Metabolomics Summer School
Metabolomics Summer
Metabolomics Summer Schoolmascha.jansen@dtls.nl
Metabolomics Summer SchoolMetabolomics Summer School0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced