Thomas Hankemeier
Thomas Hankemeier is full professor of Analytical BioSciences at the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research at Leiden University and Medical Delta Professor of of Translational Epidemiology at the Department of Epidemiology at Erasmus University Medical Centre.
Thomas research is aiming at innovative analytical tools for metabolomics-driven systems biology in personalized health strategies. He has been a pioneer in developing novel technologies for miniaturized and high throughput metabolomics. In collaboration with clinicians, biomedical researchers, biostatisticians and other –omics researchers he works on better (early) diagnosis and prevention of (cardio)vascular and metabolic diseases and neurological diseases. He is involved in several project aiming to understand the role of the gut microbiome in health and disease. He is initiator and Scientific Director of the Netherlands Metabolomics Centre, he is one of the PIs of the Netherlands X-omics Initiative (2018-2027, 40M€;, and one of the PIs of the Exposome-NL program (2019-2029, 27M€) to identify the environmental drivers of health and diseases. Thomas has developed a microfluidic high throughput 3D cell culture platform allowing with organotypic functionality and is co-founder of MIMETAS, the worldwide first organ-on-a-chip company. He holds several patents.
Metabolomics & the Microbiome Meeting 2022
Netherlands Metabolomics
Netherlands Metabolomics Centrefemke.francissen@metabolomicscentre.nl
Metabolomics & the Microbiome Meeting 2022Metabolomics & the Microbiome Meeting 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
DSMDSMAlexander Fleminglaan 1 2613 AX Delft Delft Netherlands