The online event: ‘The story of MYLIFE’
We would like to invite you to the online event: ‘The story of MYLIFE’, where
- Young migrants tell about their social projects in Sweden and the Netherlands
- Differences and similarities in project approaches are discussed
- You hear how youth can change the world through their passions
- You learn to implement successful strategies to socially include youth to able them to participate in society fully
The event will take place from 14:00 untill 16:30. You can join the event on zoom.
With this event we want to show you how important it is to give young migrants the possibility to live a life where they can make their dreams come true and be fully be part of society. The stories and lessons from these projects shared by the participants will show you how these young people achieved this. It will also give you tools on how to help others like them in the future. All the projects they built are based on the motivation that comes from within, driven simply by young people's desires and pleasures. It is an inspiration to hear their stories.
The Erasmus+ project MYLIFE (2018-2020) brought young migrants from Sweden and the Netherlands together in a learning environment where participants can learn from each other and share their views on the challenges and possibilities of running their projects.
Youth-driven activities were the key component in realizing this vision of enabling youth to change the world through their passions. The activities of the project were based on the motivation that comes from within, driven simply out of young people's desires and pleasures.
We are looking forward to meeting you and sharing our stories with you.
Best wishes,
The story of MYLIFE

Renske van Luijn
Renske van Luijn info@aanmelder.nl
The story of MYLIFEThe story of MYLIFE0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced