Program details will be updated in the upcoming period

28 June 2024

10:00 - 10:30

Registration with coffee and "vlaai"

10:30 - 10:40

Opening and physically activating moment
Kenneth Meijer PhD, Eric Wishaupt MSc
Maastricht University

10:40 - 11:10

Keynote #1
Physical activity and cardiovascular health: a delicate dose-response relationship
Thijs Eijsvogels PhD

11:15 - 12:00

Parallel session #1

Session Moving smarter and better (English

Chairs: Prof. Peter Beek PhD and Prof. Richard Jaspers PhD
Using data and technology to improve the acquisition of specific swimming skills and the overall performance profile of swimmers.

Improving the front crawl in children by video-mediated observational learning
Carola Minkels
InnoSportLab De Tongelreep, Eindhoven

Training monitoring and individual optimization in competitive swimming
Michel de Haan
InnoSportLab De Tongelreep and PSV Football Club, Eindhoven

Towards a feedback system for improving the tumble turn in competitive swimming
Paul Koster
InnoSportLab De Tongelreep, Eindhoven

Session Exercise is medicine (Dutch)

Chair: Prof. Renger Witkamp PhD
De fysiologie van leefstijlinterventies zal worden geillustreerd door de nauwe verbinding tussen voeding, beweging, slaap en stress. Deze introductie wordt gevolgd door presentaties van drie interventievoorbeelden.

Pre- en rehabilitatie met XtraFit, successen uit de praktijk
Eva Valgaeren
Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei en Alliantie Voeding in de Zorg

Het effect van de SoFiT leefstijlinterventie op spier-vetinfiltratie in voormalig darmkankerpatiënten met kanker gerelateerde vermoeidheid
Lara Schepers
Wageningen University

Het leefstijlloket in Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei
Rieneke Terink
Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei

Session Exercise is medicine (Dutch)

Chair: Prof. Frans van der Helm

What if overuse injuries are not caused by overuse? The role of load-related data in the prevention and treatment of sports injuries
Robert-Jan Vos

Use of motion sensors to evaluate a tennis serve
Bart van Trigt
TU Delft

New developments in biosensors
Filipe Arroyo Cardoso
TU Delft

12:00 - 14:00

Lunch, poster presentations, Sponsor/Exhibitor market

13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:45

Parallel session #2

Session Moving smarter and better (English)

Chairs: Michel Brink PhD and Prof. Koen Lemmink PhD
Resilience is a process reflecting how athletes "bounce back" from stressors over the course of time. Such stressors can be diverse, ranging from heavy training loads to psychological setbacks. Given the importance of resilience for athletes, we have worked on the "Resilient Athletes" project since 2019, conducted in collaboration with different universities and sports associations and funded by ZonMw (see We will demonstrate how theory has found its way to practice, and how different professional sports clubs are currently using our tailor-made application to monitor and improve the resilience, health, and performance of athletes. 

What is resilience and how should it be measured? 
Yannick Hill
VU Amsterdam
Monitoring athletes' psychological and physical states with the resilience app
Jur Brauers
University of Groningen / UMCG
Implementing new scientific insights to improve the resilience of athletes 
Niklas Neumann
University of Groningen

Session Healthy generation (Dutch)

Chair: Prof. Bert Steenbergen PhD
TRIAL is een in 2018 gehonoreerd project binnen de route ‘Sport en Bewegen’ proposal. In dit interdisciplinaire project wordt het sociale netwerk van het individu aangegrepen om langdurige veranderingen in actief gedrag te bewerkstelligen tijdens belangrijke levensgebeurtenissen. Tijdens de presentatie zullen we een aantal uitkomsten van het project presenteren.

Het bevorderen van een actieve leefstijl
Bert Steenbergen
Radboud University

De rol van het sociale netwerk
Hidde Bekhuis
Radboud University 

Implementatie van de resultaten
Femke van Abswoude
Radboud University

Session Healthy generation (Dutch)

Chair: Brenda Berendsen PhD
In this session we will present findings of intervention studies, but also dive into factors that are related to physical activity and healthy behavior in kids and teenagers.

Het stimuleren van bewegen bij jonge kinderen
Jessica Gubbels
Maastricht University

Beweeg Wijs: een schoolpleininterventie om beweeggedrag en de motorische en sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling van kinderen te bevorderen.
Anne De Bruijn & Annelies Brocken
VU Amsterdam

De obesitas-epidemie bestrijden met een interventie op de basisschool - Lange termijneffecten en innovaties
Bo van Engelen
Maastricht University

14:45 - 15:00

Mental break/transition

15:00 - 15:45

Parallel session #3

Session Moving smarter and better (Dutch)

Chair: Kenneth Meijer PhD

Running injury prevention and performance enhancement: From lab to the field
Bas van Hooren
Maastricht University

The Run Style Spectrum and its potential for optimizing performance and reducing injury risk through wearable devices
Ben van Oeveren

Het betekenisvol inzetten van zorgtechnologie
Darcy Ummels
Maastricht University

Session Exercise is medicine (Dutch)

Chairs: Prof. Han Houdijk PhD and Raoul Bongers PhD
Assistive technology for smarter and better movement. How prosthesis to replace upper and lower extremity, or wheelchair to replace lower limb function can be made smarter and better to enhance movement capabilities and performance.

VR training for upper limb prosthesis rehabilitation
Bart Maas
University Medical Center Groningen

Individualized tuning of prosthetic foot and ankle; human-in-the-loop optimization
Thijs Tankink
University Medical Center Groningen

Power up wheelchair performance
Rowie Janssen
University Medical Center Groningen

Session Healthy generation (English) (14:50-15:55; longer session)

Chairs: Prof. Aarnout Brombacher PhD and Prof. Maarten van Bottenburg PhD

How to return to a semi-professional team sports context after experiencing interpersonal violence? An auto-ethnographic presentation.
Vidar Stevens
Utrecht University

Gendered expectations: motherhood and sport.
Mirjam Stuij 
Mulier Instituut

Transitions into (in)active living: why do new parents stop practicing sport?
Jasper van Houten
HAN University of Applied Sciences

Value and family-centric cardiac telerehabilitation design for recreational athletes
Bianca Serban
Technical University Eindhoven

TREAT; a European project to use sports sensors for therapy of people with combined diabetes/osteoarthritis 
Andree Vela Miam and Jose Trigueros Soto
Technical University Eindhoven/JADS instituate for Data Science

15:45 - 16:00

Coffee/tea break

16:00 - 16:30

Keynote #2
Limited impact of sport, physical activity and health initiatives; matter of program or implementation failure?
Femke van Nassau PhD
Amsterdam UMC

16:30 - 18:00

Closing and drinks